LD 1192
pg. 3
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LR 1012
Item 1

preceding year, the insurer is exempt from the filing requirements
of this section with respect to that year.

Sec. 8. 24-A MRSA §222, sub-§2, ¶B, as amended by PL 1989, c. 385, §2,
is further amended to read:

B. Control

(1) 'Control,' including 'controlling,' 'controlled by'
and 'under common control with,' means the possession,
direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the
direction of the management and policies of a person,
whether through the ownership of voting securities, by
contract other than a commercial contract for goods or
nonmanagement services, or otherwise, unless the power
is solely the result of an official position with or a
corporate office held by the person. Control shall be
is presumed to exist if any person is the beneficial
owner of 10% or more of the voting securities, or
voting insurance policies rights in the case of mutual
or reciprocal insurers, or guaranty capital shares if a
mutual insurer has established a guaranty fund, of any
other person. A beneficial owner may rely in
determining the amount of voting securities of any
person outstanding upon information set forth in that
person's most recent quarterly or annual report filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to
the Exchange Act unless the beneficial owner knows or
has reason to believe that the information contained
therein in the quarterly or annual report is
inaccurate. Two or more domestic mutual insurance
companies who that have restricted their licensed
territories to the State shall are not be deemed to be
considered subject to this section merely because such
those insurance companies commonly share facilities,
incurred expenses, personnel services, or otherwise
utilize cost allocations based on generally accepted
accounting principles including pro rata sharing of
assumed risks.

(2) Notwithstanding the presumption of control contained
in subparagraph (1), the superintendent, upon
application of the insurance company, may determine
that the insurer is not controlled by the person
presumed to control it. In addition, the
superintendent, after notice and an opportunity to be
heard, may determine, notwithstanding the absence of
the presumption in subparagraph (1), that a person does
control an insurance company or companies.

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