LD 1205
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act Concerning Access to Obstetrical and Gynecological Services Provided Thr... LD 1205 Title Page
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LR 2008
Item 1

C. If the examination specified in paragraph B reveals a
gynecological condition for which another visit to the
physician participating in the plan is medically required and
appropriate, or for any gynecological care beyond the annual
examination, the carrier may require the patient or the
examining physician, certified nurse practitioner or certified
nurse midwife to secure from the patient's primary care
physician a referral to the participating physician, certified
nurse practitioner or certified nurse midwife from whom such
care may be obtained.

Sec. 4. Application. This Act applies to all group policies and
contracts executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued or
renewed in this State on or after January 1, 2000. For purposes
of this Act, all contracts are deemed to be renewed no later than
the next yearly anniversary of the contract date.


This bill allows women enrolled in group managed care plans to
receive primary, preventive and therapeutic obstetrics and
gynecological services from an obstetrician/gynecologist,
certified nurse practitioner or certified nurse midwife
participating in the managed care plan, without a referral from a
primary care physician. Under current law, enrollees are only
allowed to self-refer to a participating provider for an annual
gynecological examination.

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