LD 1234
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LD 1234 Title Page An Act to Establish the Maine School Technology Fund Page 2 of 2
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LR 1927
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 8 MRSA §374, sub-§6, is enacted to read:

6.__Maine School Technology Fund.__Beginning October 15, 1999
and every October 15th thereafter, the commission shall provide
annually 10% of net lottery proceeds or $5,000,000, whichever is
greater, to the Maine School Technology Fund, as established in
Title 20-A, section 17201.

Sec. 2. 8 MRSA §387, sub-§1, ¶C, as amended by PL 1995, c. 494, §5, is
further amended to read:

C. For payment to the General Fund; and

Sec. 3. 8 MRSA §387, sub-§1, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 494, §5, is
amended to read:

D. For payment to the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund pursuant
to Title 12, section 7782.; and

Sec. 4. 8 MRSA §387, sub-§1, ¶E is enacted to read:

E.__For payment to the Maine School Technology Fund pursuant
to Title 20-A, section 17202.

Sec. 5. 20-A MRSA c. 614 is enacted to read:



§17201.__Fund established

There is established the Maine School Technology Fund,
referred to in this chapter as the "fund."__The fund consists of
revenues received pursuant to Title 8, section 387 and funds
received from private and public sources.__The fund, to be
accounted within the department, must be held separate and apart
from all other money, funds and accounts.__Any balance remaining
in the fund at the end of any fiscal year must be carried forward
to the next fiscal year.

§17202.__Expenditures from fund; distribution

Beginning December 15, 1999 and on December 15th of each
succeeding year, money in the fund must be distributed to school
administrative units that have requested the funds and that have
approved school technology plans.__Funds must be allocated on a
per pupil basis at a rate equal to $25 per pupil.__Distributions

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