LD 1234
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Maine School Technology Fund LD 1234 Title Page
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LR 1927
Item 1

from the fund, to be considered entitlements, may be used only for
the purchase of computers, computer equipment, software or staff
training in accordance with each unit's approved school technology

§17203.__School technology plan

Beginning September 30, 1999 and annually thereafter, each
school administrative unit must submit a school technology plan
in accordance with rules adopted by the department.__These rules
are routine technical rules in accordance with Title 5, chapter
375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. 6. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the
Other Special Revenue funds to carry out the purposes of this



Maine School Technology Fund

All Other$5,000,000$5,000,000

Provides funds to be
distributed to school
administrative units on a per
pupil basis equal to $25 per
student. Funds may be used by
the units for the purchase of
computers, computer equipment,
software or staff training.


This bill establishes the Maine School Technology Fund, the
funding for which will be provided from annual transfers of net
state lottery revenues. The current pace of technology dictates
that computers are often out-of-date not long after being put
into service. Even though computers used in schools are
generally productive for a longer period than those used in
business, repairs and updates are frequently required, and the
computers quickly lose their effectiveness as educational tools.
This bill will assist schools in maintaining an ongoing
technology replacement program and will provide assistance to
school staff in the use of instructional technology.

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