LD 1241
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LD 1241 Title Page An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care Page 2 of 24
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LR 1344
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:


Sec. A-1. 22 MRSA c. 1687 is enacted to read:




As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Administrator.__"Administrator" means the entity
designated by the board pursuant to section 9807 to administer
the Maine Health Care Plan.

2.__Authority.__"Authority" means the Maine Health Care
Authority established by section 9802.

3.__Board.__"Board" means the board of directors of the Maine
Health Care Authority established by section 9802, subsection 1.

4.__Carrier__"Carrier" means an insurer, health maintenance
organization or nonprofit hospital or medical service
organization licensed to do business in this State.

5.__Fund.__"Fund" means the Maine Health Care Trust Fund
established by section 9815.

6.__Global budget.__"Global budget" means a statewide
aggregate amount budgeted for the provision of all health care
services pursuant to section 9810.

7.__Federally sponsored health plan.__"Federally sponsored
health plan" means health care coverage provided pursuant to

federally sponsored programs, including the Medicare program,
administered under the United States Social Security Act, Title
XVIII; the Medicaid program, administered under the United States
Social Security Act, Title V and Title XIX; the civilian health
and medical program of the uniformed services; the health and
medical program for veterans of the uniformed services; and the
Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan.

8.__Organization.__"Organization" means the Maine Health Data
Organization established pursuant to chapter 1683.

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