LD 1241
pg. 2
Page 1 of 24 An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care Page 3 of 24
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LR 1344
Item 1

9.__Participating provider.__"Participating provider" means a
provider agreeing to deliver health care services under the terms
of the health plan as provided in sections 9806 and 9808.

10.__Plan.__"Plan" means the Maine Health Care Plan
established by section 9804.

11.__Provider.__"Provider" means a person, organization,
corporation or association that provides health care services and
is authorized to provide those services under the laws of this
State.__"Provider" includes persons and entities that provide
healing, treatment and care for those relying on a recognized
religious method of healing as provided for in the federal Social
Security Act, Title XVIII and permitted under state law.

12.__Quality improvement foundation.__"Quality improvement
foundation" means the quality improvement foundation designated
by the Maine Health Data Organization pursuant to chapter 1683.

13.__Resident.__"Resident" means a person who has met the
residency requirements as defined by rules adopted by the board
pursuant to section 9805.

14.__State health resource plan.__"State health resource plan"
means the state health resource plan adopted by the board
pursuant to section 9809.

§9802.__Maine Health Care Authority established

The Maine Health Care Authority is established as an
independent executive agency.__The authority has broad powers to
carry out the purposes of this chapter.

1.__Board of directors.__The authority operates under the
supervision of a board of directors that consists of 10 members.

A.__Seven members are appointed jointly by the Governor, the
President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, subject to review by the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
insurance matters and confirmation by the Legislature, as

(1)__Two members must be providers;

(2)__Two members must be business representatives; and

(3)__Three members must be consumer representatives.__
For the purposes of this subparagraph, "consumer" means
an individual who is not affiliated with or employed by

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