LD 1241
pg. 18
Page 17 of 24 An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care Page 19 of 24
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LR 1344
Item 1

gathering and other activities and revenue deposited in the fund.__
The board shall determine an appropriate rate of increase for the
global budget based upon the quality of care under the plan,
access to care under the plan, the economic impact of the plan on
gross state product, employment and per capita income and the
projected revenues to be deposited in the fund.__Beginning
January 1, 2000 and through December 31, 2001, the board shall
allow a rate of increase for the global budget not to exceed the
rate of increase in the gross state product plus 2 percent.

§9811.__High-quality, affordable health care

In coordination with the administrator, the board shall ensure
that the health plan members receive high-quality, affordable
health services.

1.__Quality assurance.__The board shall develop methods of
quality analysis for analyzing the data to determine the quality
and cost-effectiveness of the care provided by participating
providers.__The board may consult the quality improvement
foundation designated by the Maine Health Data Organization
pursuant to section 8704, to assist it in this process.

2.__Cost containment.__In order to control costs and ensure
that funds are used for maximum service delivery, to the maximum
extent feasible the board shall:

A.__Eliminate administrative and other costs that do not
contribute to health care;

B.__Identify and eliminate wasteful and unnecessary care
that is of no benefit to patients receiving that care;

C.__Identify and foster those measures that prevent disease
and maintain health;

D.__Identify and implement managed care techniques that
contain costs and improve the quality of care; and

E.__Take other steps as necessary to ensure that the rate of
increase allowed by the global budget is not exceeded.

§9812.__Data collection and monitoring

1.__Data collection.__The board shall advise and assist the
data collection activities of the Maine Health Data Organization
under chapter 1683.

2.__Analysis of data. The board shall analyze data necessary
for the functioning of the plan, including, but not

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