LD 1241
pg. 19
Page 18 of 24 An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care Page 20 of 24
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LR 1344
Item 1

limited to, the review of access to care; the quality, efficiency
and appropriateness of care and services; provider participation;
population-based health outcomes; and geographic distribution of
health care resources.

3.__Standard measurements.__In cooperation with the Maine
Health Data Organization, the board shall establish a standard
set of indicators and methods to be used to assess the
effectiveness of the plan in implementing and fulfilling the
requirements of this chapter.

§9813.__Proceedings generally

1.__Actions before the board.__Pursuant to this section, a
person or entity aggrieved by an act or decision of the
administrator or the authority may seek redress before the board.__
Proceedings before the board are subject to the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act and any further rules established by
the board consistent with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act.__
In actions arising under this chapter, the burden of proof is
upon the party seeking to set aside any determination,
requirement, direction or order of the board.

2.__Appeals.__A person aggrieved by a final determination of
the board may appeal to the Superior Court in accordance with the
Maine Administrative Procedure Act.

§9814.__Private insurance

1.__Duplicate benefits prohibited.__A person, insurer, health
maintenance organization or nonprofit hospital or medical service
organization may not sell or offer for sale in this State a
health insurance policy or contract or a health care contract or
plan that offers benefits that duplicate the health care benefits
offered by the plan.__A violation of this section constitutes an
unfair and deceptive trade practice under Title 24-A, section

2.__Supplemental benefits authorized.__A licensed insurer,
health maintenance organization or nonprofit hospital or medical
service organization may sell or offer for sale in this State a
health insurance policy or contract or a health care contract or
plan that offers coverage and benefits that are supplemental to
and do not duplicate covered health care benefits offered by the

3.__Effective date; application.__This section takes effect on
July 1, 2000 and applies to all policies, contracts and plans
executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued or renewed in
this State on or after July 1, 2000.__For purposes of this

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