LD 1241
pg. 20
Page 19 of 24 An Act to Create a Single-payor System for Universal Health Care Page 21 of 24
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LR 1344
Item 1

section, all policies, contracts and plans are deemed renewed no
later than the next yearly anniversary of the contract date.

4.__Other insurance types authorized.__This chapter may not be
construed to prohibit the following types of insurance:__
accident, disability, credit, long-term care or nursing home
care, Medicare supplement, specified disease, vision, coverage
issued as a supplement to liability insurance, workers'
compensation, automobile medical payment or insurance under which
benefits are payable with or without regard to fault and that is
required by statute to be contained in any liability insurance
policy or equivalent self-insurance.

5.__Persons not covered by plan.__This chapter may not be
construed to prohibit the sale of insurance to persons not
covered by the plan.

§9815.__Maine Health Care Trust Fund

1.__Establishment of the fund.__The Maine Health Care Trust
Fund is established to finance the plan pursuant to this chapter.__
Deposits to the fund must be made pursuant to this section and to
rules adopted by the board to carry out the purposes of this
chapter.__All money in the fund is commingled and undivided.__The
fund consists of:

A.__All payments collected under this section;

B.__Interest earned upon any money in the fund;

C.__Property or securities acquired through the use of money
belonging to the fund and all earnings of the property or
securities; and

D.__All other money received for the fund from any other

The fund does not lapse but carries forward from one fiscal year
to the next.

2.__Use of the fund.__All revenue paid into the fund is
available to the board and must be expended solely for the
purpose of defraying the cost of administering the plan,
including, but not limited to, payments to the administrator for
administering the plan.__The board shall adopt rules setting the
requirements for expenditures from the fund.__The board shall
perform quarterly reviews of expenditures within the plan to
determine whether expenditures are within the global budget.

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