LD 1244
pg. 1
LD 1244 Title Page An Act to Require Truth in Campaign Advertising LD 1244 Title Page
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LR 2886
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §1106 is enacted to read:

§1106.__Truth in advertising

A candidate, political action committee, political party,
lobbying group or any other entity putting forth communication
expressly advocating the initiation, promotion or defeat of a
candidate through broadcasting stations, newspapers, magazines,
outdoor advertising facilities, direct mails and other similar
types of general public political advertising and through flyers,
handbills, bumper stickers and other nonperiodical publications
shall abide by the provisions of this section.

1.__Reporting roll calls.__Any communication listing a roll
call vote cast by a candidate in the candidate's capacity as an
elected official must include all recorded votes cast by the
candidate on that issue, explain the pending motion on which the
votes were cast and accurately reflect the position taken by the


This bill requires that any entity advertising in support of
or opposition to a candidate, when reporting roll call votes,
shall list all recorded votes on that issue, explain the pending
motion on which the vote was cast and accurately reflect the
position taken by the candidate at the time of the vote.

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