LD 1246
pg. 1
LD 1246 Title Page An Act to Protect the Rights of Judicial Employees LD 1246 Title Page
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LR 2281
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §1282, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 702, is
amended to read:

5. Judicial employee. "Judicial employee" means any employee
of the Judicial Department, except any person:

A. Who is appointed by the Governor;

B. Who serves as the State Court Administrator;

C. Whose duties necessarily imply a confidential
relationship to the Judicial Department's bargaining
representative with respect to matters subject to collective

D. Who is a department or division head;

E. Who is appointed to serve as a law clerk to a judge or a

F. Who is a temporary, seasonal or on-call employee,
including interns; or

G. Who has been employed for less than 6 months.

Employment status under this chapter is determined by reference
to common law principles of agency.__An employee meeting this
definition, but hired outside of the normal personnel process, is
deemed a Judicial Department employee after 6 months, as long as
the funding is available.


This bill clarifies the rights of judicial employees under the
judicial employees labor relations act chapter, the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 26, chapter 41.

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