LD 1264
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Ensure Freedom of Speech and Association on Campus LD 1264 Title Page
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LR 1495
Item 1

B.__Prevent an institution from taking reasonable,
appropriate and effective action to prevent violations of
liquor laws, discourage binge drinking, prevent alcohol
abuse, protect students from sexual assault, protect
students from date rape, protect students from sexual abuse,
protect students from hazing or regulate unsanitary,
unhealthy or unsafe conditions in dormitories or student
residences on campus or in buildings or facilities owned,
leased or in any way controlled by the institution.

4.__Violations of protected rights.__Violation of subsection 2
subjects an institution or an official acting in an official
capacity for the institution, even if that official's action is
outside the scope of that official's employment, to the
commencement and prosecution of a civil action for legal or
equitable relief by the person, in that person's name and on that
person's own behalf, whose rights have been violated.__In any
civil action under this section, the court, in its discretion,
may allow the plaintiff reasonable attorney's fees and costs.


This bill ensures that postsecondary students' rights of
speech and association will not be unconstitutionally abridged by
postsecondary educational institutions incorporated or chartered
by the State. The bill defines protected speech and association
and describes impermissible institutional interference. It sets
forth court action students may take when their rights are

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