LD 1265
pg. 1
LD 1265 Title Page An Act to Amend the Charter of the Tenants Harbor Standard Water District Page 2 of 2
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LR 1336
Item 1

Emergency preamble. Whereas, Acts of the Legislature do not become
effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as
emergencies; and

Whereas, there are still a number of private wells in the
Village of Tenants Harbor within the Town of St. George that are
contaminated with hydrocarbons and this poses a serious threat to
the health and well-being of the inhabitants of the area; and

Whereas, an adequate supply of pure water is essential to the
health and well-being of the inhabitants of the Village of
Tenants Harbor; and

Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create
an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and
require the following legislation as immediately necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. P&SL 1997, c. 17, §1 is amended to read:

Territorial limits; corporate name. Pursuant to the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 35-A, section 6403, subsection 1, paragraph B and
subject to section 6, that part those parts of the Town of St.
George described as follows: Beginning at a point at the
intersection of the northern corner of Lot 42 of Map 2 of the
Property Tax Maps of the Town of St. George, and the easterly
edge of Sea Street, thence southeast along the northerly border
of Lot 42 to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, thence south and
west along the coast to the intersection of the easterly edge of
Route 131, thence westerly over Route 131 and along the waterway
to the southwestern corner of Lot 135 of Map 2, thence westerly
along the northern shore of the marsh bordering Lots 135, 134 and
132 of Map 2 and lots 3 and 11 of Map 27 to the intersection with
the southerly edge of Watts Avenue, thence westerly across Watts
Avenue, 275 feet west into Lot 66 of Map 13, thence northerly
across Lots 66, 67 and 68 of Map 13, running 275 feet north of
and parallel to Watts Avenue, Thence continuing southeasterly
across Lots 13 and 14 of Map 27, 275 feet north of and parallel
to Watts Avenue to the westerly border of Lot 16 of Map 27,
thence northerly to the intersection of the northwest corner of
Lot 16 and the southwest corner of Lot 22, thence easterly along
the southerly border of Lot 22 to the northwesterly corner of Lot
88 of Map 2, thence southeasterly to the westerly border of Lot
88-1 of Map 2, thence to the northwest corner of Lot 88-1, thence
easterly along the northerly border of Lot 88-1 to the
intersection of the northeasterly corner of Lot 88-1, and the
westerly edge of Route 131, thence across Route 131, thence
northerly along the easterly edge of Route 131 to the

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