LD 1269
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Improve Indoor Air Quality in Schools LD 1269 Title Page
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LR 2001
Item 1

standard of air quality required in subsection 2, paragraph A.__
The Bureau of Health and the Division of Safety and
Environmental Services shall promptly review the report.__If
warranted by the report, the bureau and the division shall
make a determination and notify the school administrative unit
of the existence of an air quality violation in a school and
of recommended corrective action.__Corrective action must be
completed within 30 days by the school administrative unit at
least annually and correction of any problems within a
reasonable time; and

B. Maintaining written records of heating, ventilation and
air-conditioning system inspection and maintenance for at
least 5 years. The superintendent shall make these records
available for examination upon request.

4.__Penalty.__The failure of a school administrative unit to
complete corrective action within 30 days of receipt of notice of
a violation by the Bureau of Health and the Division of Safety
and Environmental Services is a civil violation for which a
forfeiture of $200 per day may be adjudged.


This bill requires school administrative units to meet
national indoor air quality standards in their school buildings,
to regularly monitor and correct problems identified and to
report monthly to the Bureau of Health on the quality of indoor
air quality in the schools.

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