LD 1285
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Allow the Child Support Obligor the Right to Provide Day Care LD 1285 Title Page
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LR 2590
Item 1

purposes of parent and child contact. To be considered
substantial, the transportation costs must exceed 15% of the
yearly support obligation; and

Q. A finding by the court or hearing officer that the
application of the support guidelines would be unjust,
inappropriate or not in the child's best interest. ; and

Sec. 3. 19-A MRSA §2007, sub-§3, śR is enacted to read:

R.__The nonprimary residential care provider, or either
party in case primary residential care is shared equally, is
providing child care services pursuant to section 2006,
subsection 4-A.


This bill provides that the nonprimary residential care
provider, or either party in case primary residential care is
shared equally, may provide child care personally or by a close
relative if it is consistent with the best interests of the
child. If a court does not allow child care, it must state the
reasons in writing or on the record.

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