LD 1325
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act to Provide Fairness to Victims of Medical Malpractice Page 6 of 6
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LR 2268
Item 1

(2)__The party who made the statement or presented the
evidence may agree to the submission, use or disclosure
of that statement or evidence.

B.__If the panel findings as to any question under section
2855 are unanimous and unfavorable to the claimant, the
findings are admissible in any subsequent court action for
professional negligence against the person accused of
professional negligence by the claimant based on the same
set of facts upon which the notice of claim was filed.__The
findings are admissible only against the claimant.

The confidentiality provisions of this section do not apply if
the findings were influenced by fraud.

Sec. 10. 24 MRSA §2858, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 804, §§12 and 22,
is repealed.

Sec. 11. Application. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 1, section 302, the following provisions of this Act apply
to pending actions for professional negligence for which a
hearing before a panel has not been held as of the effective date
of this Act:

1. That section of this Act that repeals and replaces Title
24, section 2854;

2. That section of this Act that amends Title 24, section
2855, subsection 1;

3. That section of this Act that repeals Title 24, section
2855, subsection 2;

4. That section of this Act that enacts Title 24, section
2855, subsection 3;

5. That section of this Act that repeals and replaces Title
24, section 2857, subsection 1; and

6. That section of this Act that repeals Title 24, section


This bill expedites and reduces costs related to the operation
of prelitigation screening panels under the Maine Health Security
Act. The bill provides that, unless the plaintiff has requested
that a time period be extended, the hearing may be bypassed
completely if it has not been held within

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