LD 1325
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act to Provide Fairness to Victims of Medical Malpractice LD 1325 Title Page
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LR 2268
Item 1

4 months. This bill shortens certain time periods and allows
experts to submit written statements rather than testify in person.
It allows the panel chair to require the parties to make their
presentations of the case in writing. It allows the panel chair to
limit discovery. This bill also clarifies the role of the
prelitigation screening panels by changing the standard of proof
used by the panel. Under this bill, the panel must determine
whether the evidence presented to it and the permissible inferences
from the evidence raise issues of fact as to negligence and
causation. This bill prohibits the presentation to the jury of a
unanimous panel finding against the person accused of professional
negligence. A unanimous panel finding against the claimant may be
represented at trial, but the current prohibition on an
accompanying explanation is deleted. This amendment allows the use
of testimony made under oath in the panel proceedings to be used in
subsequent proceedings for the purpose of impeachment; there is no
other change to the confidentiality provisions. The current
provisions concerning the effect of the findings are repealed.
This bill also corrects cross-references.

The revisions to the panel findings, the standard of proof,
the use of the findings in subsequent proceedings and the use of
testimony given under oath apply to pending cases if the hearing
before the panel has not been held before the effective date of
this Act.

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