LD 1334
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LD 1334 Title Page An Act Concerning the Distribution of Certain Fines and Forfeitures Page 2 of 2
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LR 2763
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §1555-B, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 305, §5, is
amended to read:

9. Distribution of fines. Fines and forfeitures collected
pursuant to subchapter I and this subchapter must be credited as
follows: one half to the General Fund and 1/2 to be deposited in
a nonlapsing account with the Administrative Office of the Courts
to be paid to law enforcement agencies pursuant to section 1555-

Sec. 2. 22 MRSA §1555-C is enacted to read:

§1555-C.__Tobacco Revenues Grants Committee

1.__Committee established.__The Tobacco Revenues Grants
Committee, referred to in this section as the "committee," is
established within the Department of the Attorney General.

A.__The committee shall administer the distribution of fines
and forfeitures collected pursuant to subchapter I and this

B.__The committee consists of one representative designated
by the Maine Chiefs of Police Association; one
representative designated by a statewide association of
sheriffs; one representative designated by the Department of
Public Safety; one representative designated by the
Department of Human Services, Bureau of Health; one
representative designated by a statewide association
promoting drug abuse resistence education; and the Attorney
General, or a designated representative of the Attorney
General, who shall act as chair.__Members of the committee
serve without compensation.__Reasonable expenses for
clerical and administrative expenses may be retained by the
Department of the Attorney General from the proceeds of
fines and forfeitures collected pursuant to subchapter I and
this subchapter.

2.__Applications for funds.__Beginning January 2000 and
semiannually thereafter, the committee shall solicit applications
from local, county, and state law enforcement organizations for
use of the available tobacco revenues to establish programs to
reduce tobacco and drug use by youths.__At that time, the
committee shall determine the total amount of funds available.__
The committee shall develop by rule criteria for the award of
funds to eligible applicants.__The criteria must include, but are
not limited to, consideration of:

A.__A likelihood of success in reducing the incidence of
tobacco and drug use by Maine youth;

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