LD 1359
pg. 2
Page 1 of 10 An Act to Make the Unemployment Compensation Program More Responsive to the Nee... Page 3 of 10
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LR 1943
Item 1

A.__The individual is unable to accept employment on a
shift, the greater part of which falls between the hours of
midnight and 5 a.m., because of parental obligation, the
need to care for an immediate family member or the
unavailability of a personal care attendant required to
assist the unemployed individual who is a handicapped
person; or

B.__The individual's availability for or ability to work is
limited to part-time work, provided the__individual has good
cause for the limitation and a reasonable field of
employment remains open to the individual in the labor
market area in which the individual resides. For purposes of
this paragraph, "good cause" means the illness or disability
of the individual or an immediate family member, domestic
responsibility or another compelling reason that would
influence a prudent person in the same circumstances as the
claimant, who is genuinely desirous of working, to impose a
limitation on that prudent person's availability for work.

Sec. 3. 26 MRSA §1193, sub-§1, ķA, as repealed and replaced by PL 1991,
c. 560, §2, is amended to read:

A. For the week in which the claimant left regular
employment voluntarily without good cause attributable to
that employment. The disqualification continues until the
claimant has earned 4 times the claimant's weekly benefit
amount in employment by an employer. A claimant may not be
disqualified under this paragraph if:

(1) The leaving was caused by the illness or
disability of the claimant or an immediate family
member and the claimant took all reasonable precautions
to protect the claimant's employment status by promptly
notifying the employer of the reasons for the absence
and by promptly requesting reemployment when again able
to resume employment;

(2) The leaving was necessary to accompany, follow or
join the claimant's spouse in a new place of residence
and the claimant can clearly show within 14 days of
arrival at the new place of residence an attachment to
the new labor market, and the claimant is in all
respects able, available and actively seeking suitable

(3) The leaving was in good faith in order to accept
new employment on a permanent full-time basis and the
new employment did not materialize for reasons
attributable to the new employing unit; or

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