LD 1378
pg. 1
LD 1378 Title Page An Act to Ensure Access to Long-term Care Services for Persons with Dementia ... LD 1378 Title Page
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LR 2595
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §3174-I, sub-§1, ¶B-3 is enacted to read:

B-3.__In order to ensure access to appropriate long-term
care services for persons with dementia, the department
shall include in its medical eligibility assessment criteria
a definition of "problem behavior" to mean any one of the
following 5 types of behavior:__wandering with no rational
purpose, being verbally abusive, being physically abusive,
displaying socially inappropriate or disruptive behavior or
resisting care.__The department also shall include a
provision that a threshold score for problem behavior on the
eligibility assessment form is equal to a score of 2 if at
least one of these 5 types of behavior is displayed at least
3 times per week and a score of 3 if at least one of these 5
types of behavior is displayed at least once a day.


In order to ensure access to appropriate long-term care
services for persons with dementia, this bill requires the
Department of Human Services to include in its medical
eligibility assessment criteria a certain definition of the term
"problem behavior."

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