LD 1437
pg. 13
Page 12 of 14 An Act to Reorganize the Real Estate Appraisers Law Page 14 of 14
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LR 1023
Item 1

1.__Scope of license.__A trainee real property appraiser
license or "trainee license" entitles the holder or "trainee" to
appraise for a fee or other valuable consideration under the
direct supervision of a licensed real property appraiser, a
certified general real property appraiser or a certified
residential real property appraiser those properties that the
supervising appraiser is permitted to appraise.

2.__Professional qualification.__Each applicant for a trainee
license must submit evidence of satisfactory completion of the
minimum classroom hours required by the appraiser qualifications
board in courses of study approved by the Board of Real Estate
Appraisers, which must include coverage of the Uniform Standards
of Professional Appraisal Practice.

3.__Filing with board.__Before employing a trainee, a licensed
real property appraiser, certified residential real property
appraiser or certified general real property appraiser must
register the name and starting date of employment of that trainee
with the board.

4.__Limited license term.__Trainee licenses may only be
renewed for two biennial terms.__After six years, the trainee is
not eligible for renewal but must qualify as a new applicant.

§14034.__Temporary license

A temporary license may be issued to a nonresident in
accordance with this section.

1.__Scope of license.__A temporary license authorizes the
holder to perform the appraisal of real estate or real property
in this State required by a contract.

2.__Professional qualifications.__An applicant for a temporary
license must:

A.__Submit evidence that the applicant is licensed, in good
standing under the laws of the applicant's state of

B.__File a consent to service application meeting the
provisions of section 14024, subsection 1; and

C.__Submit a copy of the contract for appraisal services
that requires the applicant to appraise real estate or real
property in this State and certify that the contract is in
full force and effect.

3.__License limitations.__A temporary license expires upon the
completion of the appraisal work required by the contract or upon
the expiration of a period of 6 months from the date of issuance,
whichever occurs first.__A temporary license may be

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