LD 1437
pg. 14
Page 13 of 14 An Act to Reorganize the Real Estate Appraisers Law LD 1437 Title Page
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LR 1023
Item 1

extended for a period of 6 months from the expiration date of the
original license upon request of the license holder and as
necessary to fulfill the terms of the contract for appraisal

Sec. 6. 37-B MRSA §264, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 684, §3, is
amended to read:

1. Sale of property; proceeds. The Adjutant General shall
designate an officer to inspect military property, real and
personal, and may condemn any inspected property that the
Adjutant General determines to be unfit for use by the military.
Property condemned under this subsection may be sold by the
Adjutant General. Real property condemned under this subsection
may not be sold for less than its appraised value as determined
by a person licensed as a real estate appraiser under Title 32,
chapter 123 124.

All proceeds from the sale of condemned property must be paid
into the State Treasury and credited to the Capital Repair
Account of the Military Bureau established under section 154.


The purpose of this bill is to organize the current law in a
way that will clarify the licensing requirements and standards of
practice for real estate appraisers. This bill organizes the
current law into separate subchapters containing general
provisions, establishing the Board of Real Estate Appraisers and
setting forth the licensing requirements and standards for

In addition, the proposed changes define the scope of practice
for each level of appraiser licensure.

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