LD 1437
pg. 7
Page 6 of 14 An Act to Reorganize the Real Estate Appraisers Law Page 8 of 14
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LR 1023
Item 1

procures or attempts to procure a license through fraud or

B.__The licensee commits an act or omission in the practice
of real estate appraising that constitutes dishonesty, fraud
or misrepresentation with the intent to substantially
benefit the licensee or another person or with the intent to
substantially injure another person;

C.__There is entry of a final civil or criminal judgment
against a licensee on grounds of fraud, misrepresentation or
deceit in the making of an appraisal of real estate;

D.__Subject to Title 5, chapter 341, the licensee is
convicted in any court of any Class A, B, or C crime or a
crime that is substantially related to the qualifications,
functions or duties of a person developing real estate
appraisals and communicating real estate appraisals to

E.__The licensee pays a finder's fee or a referral fee to a
person who does not have an appraiser license in this State
in connection with an appraisal of real estate or real
property in this State;

F.__The licensee makes a false or misleading statement in
that portion of a written appraisal report that deals with
professional qualifications or in any testimony concerning
professional qualifications;

G.__The licensee violates this chapter or any rule adopted
under this chapter;

H.__The licensee accepts a fee for performing an independent
appraisal service when, in fact, the fee is or was
contingent upon the appraiser's reporting a predetermined
analysis, opinion or conclusion or is or was contingent upon
the analysis, opinion, conclusion or valuation reached or
upon the consequences resulting from the appraisal

I.__The licensee fails or refuses without good cause to
exercise reasonable diligence in developing an appraisal,
preparing an appraisal report or communicating an appraisal;

J.__The licensee demonstrates negligence or incompetence in
developing an appraisal, preparing an appraisal report or
communicating an appraisal;

K.__The licensee violates the confidential nature of individual,
business or governmental records to which a

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