LD 1627
pg. 7
Page 6 of 8 An Act to Ensure Equity in School Funding Page 8 of 8
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LR 162
Item 1


Effective for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2000, this
bill divides General Purpose Aid to Local Schools into its 4
component parts: operating costs; program costs; debt service;
and direct state costs, formerly called "adjustments." The bill
requires that all 4 components receive separate appropriations
that are no longer interdependent. In each case there is a
default appropriation to take effect if the Legislature fails to
appropriate new funds prior to March 31st of each year.

Income and cost-of-living factors are no longer included.
Operating, program and debt service subsidies are all
proportional to a school administrative unit's fiscal capacity.
The need for percentage reduction is eliminated. The first
dollars available go to the poorest school units. Program or
debt service costs that exceed a circuit breaker amount are fully
subsidizable. Circuit breaker levels are not fixed but float
with the level of the annual appropriation.

The operating cost subsidy for each school administrative unit
is calculated as follows:

1. The foundation per pupil operating rate equals the
statewide base year operating costs divided by the State's
average pupil count;

2. A unit's subsidizable operating costs equal the foundation
per pupil operating rate times the average pupil count for the
unit; and

3. The local share of operating costs equals the operating
cost mill rate times the fiscal capacity of the unit.

The "operating cost mill rate" is a calculated figure that
floats to meet the State's annual appropriation.

The state subsidy is equal to the unit's subsidizable
operating costs less the local share, but may not be less than 5%
of the unit's costs.

A unit that fails to raise its local share of operating costs
loses a portion of its subsidy equal to what it fails to provide.
Such a reduction is not necessary for program and debt service
subsidies because they continue to be calculated on the basis of
the unit's own approved expenditures.

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