LD 1627
pg. 8
Page 7 of 8 An Act to Ensure Equity in School Funding LD 1627 Title Page
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LR 162
Item 1

Pupil count averaging is extended over 3 separate dates,
rather than 2 as provided in present law. Thus, changes in pupil
counts will have a more gradual impact on subsidy changes.

The bill contains a contingency cushion for districts that
depend on state subsidies to fund 30% or more of their base year
operating costs. The cushion holds these needier units to a 5%
loss if their combined losses in operating and program costs,
incurred for any reason, exceed 5% from one fiscal year to the
next. The cushion protects against sudden changes in either or
both of the 2 major variables that impact the formula: valuation
and pupil count.

The cushion is funded by reducing excess subsidies that would
otherwise go to those units whose gains exceed a maximum
percentage annually calculated by the Commissioner of Education
at the rate necessary to pay the cushion subsidies.

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