LD 1640
pg. 10
Page 9 of 11 An Act Regarding Service Contracts Page 11 of 11
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LR 2384
Item 1

under this section also may seek restitution on behalf of persons
aggrieved by a violation of this chapter or rules of the

4.__Penalties.__A person who is found to have violated this
chapter or rules of the superintendent may be ordered in an
adjudicatory proceeding to pay to the superintendent a civil
penalty in an amount determined by the superintendent of not more
than $500 per violation and not more than $10,000 in the
aggregate for all violations of a similar nature.__For purposes
of this section, violations are of a similar nature if the
violations consist of the same or similar course of conduct,
action or practice, irrespective of the number of times the act,
conduct or practice that is determined to be a violation of this
chapter occurred.

§7011.__Authority to develop rules

The superintendent may adopt rules necessary to implement this
chapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter

§7012.__Effective date

1.__Application.__Service contracts entered into prior to
January 1, 2000, and renewals of those contracts, may, but are
not required to, comply with this chapter.__Providers and other
persons are not required to comply with this chapter until
January 1, 2000.__A provider or other person may, but is not
required to, implement the requirements of this chapter prior to
January 1, 2000.__The failure of a provider or other person to
comply with this chapter or otherwise to administer a service
contract in the manner required by this chapter prior to January
1, 2000 is not admissible in any court, arbitration or
alternative dispute resolution proceedings and that failure may
not be otherwise used to prove that the action of any person or
the service contract was unlawful or otherwise improper.


This bill establishes regulatory standards for providers of
service contracts and exempts these contracts from all other
provisions of the Maine Insurance Code. It also exempts from
the Maine Insurance Code:

1. Warranties;

2. Maintenance agreements;

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