LD 1654
pg. 3
Page 2 of 17 An Act to Improve the Efficiency of Environmental Regulation in the Unorganized... Page 4 of 17
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LR 807
Item 1

The commission shall elect annually, from its own membership,
a secretary chair and such other officers it deems considers
necessary. Meetings shall be are held at the call of the chairman
chair or at the call of more than 1/2 of the membership. These
public meetings shall be held at least once a month. The
commission, acting in accordance with the procedures set forth in
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II, may adopt whatever rules it
deems considers necessary for the conduct of its business. The
secretary commission shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the
commission, which minutes shall be are a public record available
and on file in the office of the commission. Members of the
commission, except state employees, shall be are compensated as
provided in Title 5, chapter 379. A quorum of the commission for
the transaction of business shall be is 4 members. No action may
be taken by the commission unless upon approval by a vote of 4

Whenever the commission is required or empowered to conduct a
hearing pursuant to any provision of law, such the hearing may be
held and conducted by the commission or by any member of the
commission or by any qualified employee or representative of the
commission as the commission chairman chair may determine. If the
hearing is conducted by a single commissioner or qualified
employee or representative, such the commissioner, employee or
representative shall report his the findings of fact and
conclusions to the commission together with a transcript of the
hearing and all exhibits. Such The findings of fact and
conclusions shall become a part of the record. The commission
shall is not be bound by such the findings or conclusions when
acting upon such the record, but shall take such action, issue
such orders and make such decisions as if it had held and
conducted the hearing itself.

When the commission elects to hold multiple public hearings on
any matter under this chapter, all hearings held within a 45-day
period are considered one hearing for administrative purposes.

Sec. 5. 12 MRSA §685, 2nd ¶, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 508, is
amended to read:

The commission shall establish and maintain at least 2
regional field offices, one in Greenville and one in Ashland,
designed principally to provide assistance to the public on
permit applications and to carry out such other functions of the
commission as appropriate. These field offices shall must be
established in locations chosen to provide the maximum benefit to
the public residents of the unorganized and deorganized areas
while minimizing costs. Historic levels of permitting activity,
the convenience of access and the availability and cost of office

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