LD 1654
pg. 4
Page 3 of 17 An Act to Improve the Efficiency of Environmental Regulation in the Unorganized... Page 5 of 17
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LR 807
Item 1

facilities shall must be considered in choosing the field office
locations. Each office shall must be open on a part-time full-time
basis at least 2 days a month or as to the extent needed to
accommodate public demand for the services of such field offices
warrant and as resources allow. Whenever practicable, the
commission shall make use of existing personnel to staff these
field offices.

Sec. 6. 12 MRSA §685-A, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1977, c. 694, §222,
is further amended to read:

1. Classification and districting of lands. The commission,
acting on principles of sound land use planning and development,
shall determine the boundaries of areas within the unorganized
and deorganized portions areas of the State that fall into land
use districts and designate each area in one of the following
major district classifications: Protection protection, management
and development. The commission, acting in accordance with the
procedures set forth in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II,
shall enact adopt regulations for determining the boundaries of
each major type of district in accordance with the following

A. Protection districts: Areas where development would
jeopardize significant natural, recreational and historic
resources, including, but not limited to, flood plains,
precipitous slopes, wildlife habitat and other areas
critical to the ecology of the region or State.;

B. Management districts: Areas which that are appropriate
for commercial forest product or agricultural uses or for
the extraction of nonmetallic minerals and for which plans
for additional development are not presently formulated nor
additional development anticipated.; and

D. Development districts: Areas discernible as having
patterns of intensive residential, recreational, commercial
or industrial use, or commercial removal of metallic
minerals or other natural resources, and areas appropriate
for designation as development districts when measured
against the purpose, intent and provisions of this chapter.

In addition to delineating the major district classifications
listed, the commission may delineate such subclassifications as
may be deemed necessary and desirable to carry out the intent of
this chapter.

Sec. 7. 12 MRSA §685-A, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1991, c. 308, is

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