LD 1668
pg. 3
Page 2 of 8 An Act to Create the Drive ME Wheels-to-work Program Page 4 of 8
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LR 1446
Item 1

board, which may consist of a subcommittee of the board
of directors, to review and make recommendations
concerning loan applications.__The review board must
consist of 3 members who represent low-income people and
2 members who are knowledgeable in financial matters.
Members of a Drive ME Wheels-to-work review board serve
for 2-year terms and may be reappointed to successive

(3)__Loan applications must be reviewed by the Drive ME
Wheels-to-work review board to determine if the
applicant is creditworthy within the scope of this
program and whether adequate collateral is required
and, if necessary, offered to secure the loan.

(4)__A majority vote of the Drive ME Wheels-to-work
review board is necessary to approve a loan in
accordance with the policies adopted by the
commissioner. The decision of the loan board is final.

(5)__Loan applications must be on forms and accompanied
by additional information required under rules adopted
by the commissioner. Loan applicants may be required to
submit personal or business-related financial
information considered necessary to determine
eligibility for the program.

(6)__The community action agency must provide the
commissioner with an annual report detailing the loan
fund activity in the form and containing the
information required by the contract between the agency
and the commissioner.

(7)__The community action agency must allow the
commissioner or an agent of the commissioner to perform
an audit of the loan fund and the administration of the
program at the times and in the manner provided in the
contract between the agency and the commissioner.

(8)__The community action agency must provide loan
recipients training in credit management, budgeting,
driving safety and car seat safety.

(9)__The community action agency must, to the maximum
extent feasible, contract or arrange for the in-kind
donation of technical and counseling services to assist
program loan applicants.

§3833.__Loan criteria and procedures

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