LD 1668
pg. 4
Page 3 of 8 An Act to Create the Drive ME Wheels-to-work Program Page 5 of 8
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LR 1446
Item 1

1.__Criteria.__The commissioner may adopt rules to implement
the program, which must include, but are not limited to, the
following loan criteria.

A.__A person is not eligible for a loan from the fund unless
that person receives assistance from the TANF program.

B.__No loan may be made in an amount in excess of $10,000 to
any single applicant, nor at an interest rate that is equal
to or greater than a comparable private market loan.__The
commissioner may establish by rule interest rates on loans
from the program.

C.__Loans may not be insured or guaranteed by the State, but
a community action agency may require collateral in the form
of security for the loan and may, in appropriate cases, take
a mortgage on real estate.

D.__The commissioner must allocate funds under section 3835
to participating community action agencies on the basis of a
formula that takes into consideration both the populations
served by the agencies and the economic conditions of the
regions, as evidenced by unemployment statistics and per
capita income.

E.__A person may not use a loan from the fund to purchase a
used vehicle unless that vehicle displays a valid inspection
sticker pursuant to Title 29-A, chapter 15, subchapter I and
the person purchases the vehicle from a dealer who offers a
warrantee on that vehicle.__The commissioner shall by rule
establish the minimum standards for a warrantee.

F.__A person may not use a loan from the fund to pay for
repair or maintenance of a vehicle unless the repair or
maintenance is conducted at a facility certified by the
commissioner as a facility with adequately trained mechanics
and appropriate repair and maintenance equipment.__The
commissioner shall establish by rule the certification
standards for facilities and the repair and maintenance
procedures to which a loan may be applied.

§3834.__Administrative costs; community action agencies

A community action agency must be reimbursed for its
administrative costs associated with implementing the program.__
The commissioner shall establish by rule a fee on each loan
issued by a community action agency to cover the agency's
administrative costs.

§3835.__Drive ME Wheels-to-work Revolving Loan Fund

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