LD 1713
pg. 1
LD 1713 Title Page Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services ... Page 2 of 4
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LR 1081
Item 1

Sec. 1. Definitions. Resolved: That as used in this resolve, unless
the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the
following meanings.

1. "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Administrative
and Financial Services.

2. "State property" means the real and personal property
described in section 3 of this resolve; and be it further

Sec. 2. Authority to convey property. Resolved: That the State, by and
through the commissioner, may:

1. Lease or sell the interests of the State in the state

2. Negotiate, draft, execute and deliver any documents
necessary to settle any boundary line discrepancies;

3. Exercise, pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
23, chapter 3, the power of eminent domain to quiet for all time
any possible challenges to ownership of the state property;

4. Negotiate, draft, execute and deliver any easements or
other rights that, in the commissioner's discretion, may
contribute to the value of a proposed sale or lease of the
State's interests; and

5. Release any interests in the state property that, in the
commissioner's discretion, do not contribute to the value of the
remaining state property; and be it further

Sec. 3. Property interests that may be conveyed. Resolved: That the state
property authorized to be sold or leased is the following:

1. The Maine Criminal Justice Academy, located in Waterville,
as conveyed by Thomas College to the State of Maine on September
18, 1972 and described in deeds recorded at the Registry of Deeds
of the County of Kennebec, State of Maine in Book 1596, Page 768
and Book 1596, Page 770, together with all rights, privileges and
easements appurtenant thereto, and together with all of the
State's interest in and to the buildings, improvements and
personal property located thereon, including all vehicles,
machinery, equipment and supplies;

2. A portion of the Kennebec Arsenal property, located on the
easterly side of the Kennebec River in Augusta, which was
conveyed to the State of Maine by the United States of America by
deeds recorded at the Registry of Deeds of the County of

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