LD 1713
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services ... Page 3 of 4
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LR 1081
Item 1

Kennebec, State of Maine, in Book 462, Page 361 and Book 2380, Page
189. The parcel to be conveyed consists of approximately 6 acres
of land located on either side of Arsenal Street, and is more
particularly described as the Arsenal campus, being roughly that
portion of the Kennebec Arsenal property lying under and
immediately surrounding the following structures: the Commandant's
Home, also known as Hill House; the Gate House; North Burleigh;
South Burleigh; Burleigh Pavillion; Burleigh Annex; the White
(frame) House; and the Garage; said conveyance to include all of
the aforementioned structures. The commissioner may determine the
amount of land to be conveyed, which amount may exceed 6 acres if

3. A portion not to exceed 71.5 acres outside the existing
perimeter fence, of the Maine Youth Center property, located on
the easterly side of Westbrook Street in South Portland and being
a part of that parcel of land that was conveyed to the State of
Maine by the City of Portland on December 24, 1850 and recorded
on March 18, 1853 in the Registry of Deeds of Cumberland County
in Book 243, Page 197, said 74.39 acres being depicted as
Parcels A and B on a plan dated June 20, 1998 entitled
"Preliminary Property Line of Maine Youth Center/Portland
Jetport" which was done for the City of Portland, Maine by Sebago
Technics of Westbrook, Maine;

4. A certain lot or parcel of land with buildings thereon
located on either side of Collyer Brook, also known as Collyer's
Branch of the Royal River, in the Town of Gray, upon which are
located the water system dam, pumping station and water treatment
facility now or formerly used to supply potable water to the
Pineland Center, a facility now or formerly owned and operated by
the State of Maine and located partly in New Gloucester, partly
in Gray and partly in North Yarmouth. The parcel to be conveyed
is the same parcel as conveyed to the State of Maine in 2
separate deeds, the first dated December 12, 1914 from Harry
Merrill and recorded at the Registry of Deeds of the County of
Cumberland, State of Maine, in Book 943, Page 38; and the 2nd
dated June 15, 1960 from Clyde A. Mason and Phyllis M. Mason,
recorded in Book 2550, Page 55 of that registry. All appurtenant
rights described in the aforesaid deeds may in the commissioner's
discretion also be conveyed, except for flowage rights, which may
either be retained or extinguished by the State;

5. A certain lot or parcel of land located on either side of
Collyer Brook, also known as Collyer's Branch of the Royal River,
in the Town of Gray. The parcel to be conveyed was conveyed to
the State of Maine as 2 separate parcels, the first of which is
part of a parcel deeded to the State of Maine by Mary Dow on
October 29, 1908 and recorded at the Registry of Deeds of the
County of Cumberland, State of Maine, in Book 831, Page 161,

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