LD 1713
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services ... Page 4 of 4
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LR 1081
Item 1

and is more particularly described as a 7.4-acre parcel that was
excepted and reserved in the conveyance from the State of Maine to
George R. Doughty and Celia E.W. Doughty dated December 1, 1915 and
recorded in Book 971, Page 171 of that registry; and the 2nd of
which is all of that parcel of land conveyed to the State of Maine
by Thankful F. Megquier and Elsie Megquier on November 5, 1908 and
is recorded at Book 831, Page 436 of that registry;

6. One acre of land, more or less, near but not adjacent to
the Baldwin Hill Road in Fayette and described in deeds recorded
at the Registry of Deeds of the County of Kennebec, State of
Maine in Book 1053, Pages 3 and 4; and

7. All or a portion of land approximately 5.05 acres in size
owned by Leland and Valerie Boggs, designated Tax Map R8, Lot 77,
located in the Town of Warren and such other land as may be
required for mitigation purposes in connection with the
corrections construction project in the Town of Warren.

The state property may be sold in whole or in part, at the
discretion of the commissioner, subject to such permits or
approvals as may be required by law; and be it further

Sec. 4. Property to be sold "as is." Resolved: That the commissioner may
negotiate and execute leases and purchase and sale agreements
upon those terms the commissioner considers appropriate; however,
the state property must be sold "as is," without any
representations or warranties.

Title must be transferred by quitclaim deed without covenant
and executed by the commissioner; and be it further

Sec. 5. Exemptions. Resolved: That any lease or conveyance pursuant
to this resolve is exempt from any statutory or regulatory
requirement that the property first be offered to the Maine State
Housing Authority or another state or local agency; and be it

Sec. 6. Purchase price. Resolved: That, with the exception of the
property described in section 3, subsection 6 of this resolve,
the commissioner shall have the current market value of the state
property determined by an independent appraiser. The
commissioner may list the property for sale or lease with private
real estate brokers at its appraised value and negotiate sales or
leases, solicit bids, sell directly to purchasers or enter
directly into leases with tenants. The commissioner may reject
any offers.

The commissioner shall establish the rent or purchase price
and the terms of lease or sale.

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