LD 1713
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services ... LD 1713 Title Page
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LR 1081
Item 1

If the commissioner elects to solicit bids, the commissioner
shall publish notices of sale sufficient to advertise the
property. The commissioner may reject any bids; and be it

Sec. 7. Proceeds. Resolved: That any proceeds from the sale of
property currently located at the Maine Youth Center in South
Portland must be deposited in the Bureau of General Services -
Capital Construction and Improvements Reserve Fund to be used for
the renovation, construction and expansion of facilities at the
South Portland Campus. Any proceeds from the sale of the
property currently located at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy
in Waterville must be deposited in the General Services Capital
Construction and Improvements Reserve Fund to be used for the
renovation, construction and expansion of the facilities at the
Oak Grove Campus. These funds must be carried forward until
expended; and be it further

Sec. 8. Sunset provision. Resolved: That this resolve is repealed 3
years from its effective date.


This resolve gives the Commissioner of Administrative and
Financial Services authority to sell or lease the Maine Criminal
Justice Academy in Waterville; a portion of the Kennebec Arsenal
property in Augusta; a portion of the Maine Youth Center property
located in South Portland; 2 parcels of land on Collyer's Brook
in the Town of Gray; and a parcel of land in Fayette no longer
needed by the Department of Public Safety and to purchase a
parcel of land in Warren, the acquisition of which is needed to
provide mitigation for wetland impacts related to the corrections
construction project in Warren.

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