LD 1714
pg. 4
Page 3 of 7 An Act to Clarify and Improve the State's Solid Waste Management Laws Page 5 of 7
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LR 942
Item 1

D. Tire disposal or400450

storage facility, or both

E. Recycling facility350200

F. Processing facility700700

other than municipal solid

waste composting

G. Other utilization Beneficial use

activities other than agronomic


1. Special waste175350

2. Other75350

3.__Fuel substitution700500

4.__Beneficial use without700200

risk assessment

5.__Beneficial use with1,400500

risk assessment

H.__Permit by rule for ongoing100100


Sec. 3. 38 MRSA §1304, sub-§1-A, ¶¶A and C, as enacted by PL 1987, c.
517, §9, are amended to read:

A. Licensing categories of transporters of solid waste
septage, used motor vehicle tires and construction or
demolition debris, conveyances used for the transportation
of solid waste septage, used motor vehicle tires and
construction or demolition debris and the operators of these
conveyances as the board finds necessary to effect sound
waste management;

C. A manifest system for categories of solid waste which
shall that must provide a means to account for solid waste
septage, used motor vehicle tires and construction or
demolition debris handled, transported and disposed of in
the State; and

Sec. 4. 38 MRSA §2133, sub-§2-A, as amended by PL 1997, c. 672, §4, is
further amended to read:

2-A. Technical and financial assistance program. A program
of technical and financial assistance for waste reduction and
recycling is established in the office to assist municipalities
with managing solid waste. The office may also provide planning
assistance to municipalities and regional organizations for
managing municipal solid waste.__Planning assistance may include
cost and capacity analysis and education and outreach activities.
The director shall administer the program in accordance with the
waste management hierarchy in section 2101. Preference in
allocating resources under this section must be given to
municipalities that take advantage of regional economies

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