LD 1714
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act to Clarify and Improve the State's Solid Waste Management Laws Page 6 of 7
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LR 942
Item 1

of scale. Preference may also be given to municipalities that
provide a municipal trash collection service as defined in Title
12, section 9324, subsection 7 or that prohibit residential out-of-
door burning of highly combustible trash.

Sec. 5. 38 MRSA §2133, sub-§2-C is enacted to read:

2-C.__Business technical assistance program.__The office may,
as resources allow, assist the business community to develop
state programs and services that are designed to promote the
solid waste hierarchy and that are desired by and financially
supported by the business community.__The office shall coordinate
these efforts in conjunction with the department.

Sec. 6. 38 MRSA §2203, as amended by PL 1995, c. 465, Pt. A, §74
and affected by Pt. C, §2, is repealed.

Sec. 7. 38 MRSA §2203-A is enacted to read:

§2203-A.__Waste handling fees

1. Fees. Fees are imposed in the following amounts to be
levied for solid waste that is disposed of at commercial,
municipal and regional association landfills.

Asbestos$5 per cubic yard

Oil-contaminated soil, $25 per ton

gravel, brick, concrete

and other aggregate

Waste water facility sludge$5 per ton

Ash, coal and oil$5 per ton

Paper mill sludge$5 per ton

Industrial waste$5 per ton

Sandblast grit$5 per ton

All other special waste$5 per ton

Municipal solid waste ash$1 per ton

Front end process residue (FEPR) $1 per ton

2.__Exceptions.__Notwithstanding subsection 1:

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