LD 1778
pg. 8
Page 7 of 9 An Act to Make Corrections in the Mental Health Insurance Laws Page 9 of 9
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LR 2291
Item 1

§2756.__Coverage for children's mental health disorders

All individual health policies and contracts except accidental
injury, specified disease, hospital indemnity, Medicare
supplement, long-term care and other limited benefit health
insurance policies and contracts must provide coverage for the
treatment of children's mental health disorders.__The policies
and contracts must provide benefits for the treatment and
diagnosis of children's mental health disorders under terms and
conditions that are no less extensive than the benefits provided
for medical treatment for physical illnesses.

Sec. B-3. 24-A MRSA §2847-G is enacted to read:

§2847-G.__Coverage for children's mental health disorders

All group insurance policies and contracts except accidental
injury, specified disease, hospital indemnity, Medicare
supplement, long-term care and other limited benefit health
insurance policies and contracts must provide coverage for the
treatment of children's mental health disorders.__The policies
and contracts must provide benefits for the treatment and
diagnosis of children's mental health disorders under terms and
conditions that are no less extensive than the benefits provided
for medical treatment for physical illnesses.

Sec. B-4. 24-A MRSA §4245 is enacted to read:

§4245.__Coverage for children's mental health disorders

All health maintenance organization individual and group
health contracts must provide coverage for the treatment of
children's mental health disorders.__The contracts must provide
benefits for the treatment and diagnosis of children's mental
health disorders under terms and conditions that are no less
extensive than the benefits provided for medical treatment for
physical illnesses.

Sec. B-5. Applicability. This Part applies to all policies and
contracts executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued or
renewed on or after the effective date of this Part. All
policies and contracts are deemed to be renewed no later than the
next yearly anniversary of the contract date.


This bill amends the health insurance laws regarding mental
health services coverage. Part A of the bill removes the
provisions that exempt employers with 20 or fewer employees
insured under a group contract or policy from the coverage

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