LD 1778
pg. 7
Page 6 of 9 An Act to Make Corrections in the Mental Health Insurance Laws Page 8 of 9
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LR 2291
Item 1

This subsection may not be construed to allow coverage and
benefits for the treatment of alcoholism and other drug
dependencies through the diagnosis of a mental illness listed in
paragraph A.

Sec. A-9. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§7, ķA, as amended by PL 1995, c. 637,
§7, is further amended to read:

A. All individual and group contracts must make available
coverage providing, at a minimum, benefits according to
paragraph B, subparagraph (1) for a person receiving medical
treatment for any of the following mental illnesses
diagnosed by a licensed allopathic or osteopathic physician
or a licensed psychologist who is trained and has received a
doctorate in psychology specializing in the evaluation and
treatment of human behavior:

(1) Schizophrenia;

(2) Bipolar disorder;

(3) Pervasive developmental disorder, or autism;

(4) Paranoia;

(5) Panic disorder;

(6) Obsessive-compulsive disorder; or

(7) Major depressive disorder.;

(8)__Anorexia; or



Sec. B-1. 24 MRSA §2332-J is enacted to read:

§2332-J.__Coverage for children's mental health disorders

All individual and group nonprofit hospital and medical
services plan policies and contracts and all nonprofit health
care plan policies and contracts must provide coverage for the
treatment of children's mental health disorders.__The policies
and contracts must provide benefits for the treatment and
diagnosis of children's mental health disorders under terms and
conditions that are no less extensive than the benefits provided
for medical treatment for physical illnesses.

Sec. B-2. 24-A MRSA §2756 is enacted to read:

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