LD 1797
pg. 8
Page 7 of 9 An Act to Amend the Charter of the Waterville Sewerage District Page 9 of 9
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LR 865
Item 1

certified mail to his the last known address a notice in writing
signed by said the treasurer stating the amount of such the rates,
and the periods or charges for which payable, describing the real
estate upon which the lien is claimed, alleging that a lien is
claimed on the real estate to secure the payment of the rates and
demanding the payment of the rates within 10 days after the service
of such the notice or mailing of such the notice. If the person
from whom any rate is payable shall die dies before such the demand
is made on him, such the demand may be made upon the executor or
administrator of his the estate or upon any of his the heirs or
devisees of the person. After the expiration of the 10 days and on
or before February 20 of such year, the treasurer shall record in
the registry of deeds of Kennebec county County a certificate
signed by said the treasurer setting forth the amount of such the
rates and the periods or charges for which payable, a description
of the real estate on which the lien is claimed and an allegation
that a lien is claimed on the real estate to secure the payment of
the rates, that a demand for payment of the rates has been made in
accordance with the provisions of this section and that the rates
remain unpaid. At the time of the recording of the certificate in
the registry of deeds as herein provided in this section, in all
cases such the treasurer shall file in the office of the district a
true copy of the certificate and also at the time of recording as
aforesaid, the officer shall mail by registered certified letter to
each record holder of a mortgage on said that real estate,
addressed to him at his the last known address, a true copy of the
certificate. The fee to be charged to the ratepayer for such the
notice and filing shall be $3 is $25 plus the recording fees and
registered certified mail fees paid for sending the true copies of
the lien certificate.

Sec. 15. P&SL 1949, c. 211, §10-A, last ¶, as repealed and replaced by P&SL
1953, c. 92, §10, is amended to read:

In the event that If the rate, interest and costs shall be are
paid within the period of redemption herein provided for in this
section, the treasurer of the district shall discharge the
mortgage in the same manner as is now provided for discharge of
real estate mortgages, and all costs of discharging the mortgage
must be paid by the person assessed.

Sec. 16. P&SL 1949, c. 211, §10-A, as amended by P&SL 1965, c. 98, §4,
is further amended by adding at the end a new paragraph to read:

The owner and occupant of real estate serviced by the district
are jointly and severally liable to the district for all charges,
rates, tolls, rents, assessments and other lawful charges for
that service.__The owner is liable for all

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