LD 1797
pg. 9
Page 8 of 9 An Act to Amend the Charter of the Waterville Sewerage District LD 1797 Title Page
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LR 865
Item 1

assessments, rates and charges by reason of the availability of
sewer facilities to the real estate.__The owner and occupant may
contract or agree otherwise between themselves, but such contract
or agreement does not affect the rights of the district under this

Sec. 17. P&SL 1949, c. 211, §10-B, as enacted by P&SL 1985, c. 99, §9,
is amended to read:

*Sec. 10-B. Additional method of collecting rate payments. If
rates under section 10 are not paid, and the district does not
proceed to secure payment by placing a lien on the real estate
served by the district, under section 10-A, or does not collect
or is in any manner delayed or defeated in collecting the rates
under section 10-A, then the district may, in the district's
name, maintain an action against the person against whom the rate
is assessed or the owner of real estate, as for money paid, laid
out and expended, in any court competent to try the same, and in
such the suit may recover the amount of the assessment, with
interest at an annual rate of 10% on the same from the date of
assessment and costs.


This bill amends the charter of the Waterville Sewerage
District. The bill repeals and replaces the first paragraph of
section 7 of the charter to correct a conflict that was created
by Private and Special Law 1985, chapter 99, section 6 which
repealed the changes made by Private and Special Law 1953,
chapter 92, section 6 but did not repeal the changes that were
made by Private and Special Law 1967, chapter 41.

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