LD 1798
pg. 2
Page 1 of 6 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Providing Ed... Page 3 of 6
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LR 374
Item 1

17.__Policy regarding input by teachers and other educational
personnel concerning student disciplinary and placement decisions.__
They shall authorize a teacher to send a student from a classroom
to the principal's office and a school bus driver to recommend the
revocation of the privilege of riding on a school bus for any
student who:

A.__Engages in disorderly conduct;

B.__Threatens, abuses, intimidates or attempts to intimidate
a school employee or student; or

C.__Uses profane or abusive language toward a school
employee or student.

The teacher or school bus driver shall state in writing the
reasons for sending the student to the principal's office or
recommending that the student's privilege to ride a school bus be
revoked and give the statement to the principal.__If disciplinary
action is taken, the principal may provide written notification
of the disciplinary action to the parents or guardians of the
student and may also provide a copy of the written notification
to the teacher or school bus driver who reported the student to
the principal.__In addition to other powers and duties under this
subsection, school boards may develop policies that allow for
greater input by teachers and other educational personnel
concerning disciplinary and placement decisions and the removal
of violent or disruptive students from the classroom.

Sec. 3. 20-A MRSA §6001, as amended by PL 1989, c. 911, §1, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§6001.__Dissemination of information

1.__Annual notice to parents or guardians.__Every public
school shall send a notice to the parents or guardians of every
student each year indicating that educational records will be
sent to a receiving school if a student applies to enroll in
another school administrative unit.__The contents of the notice
must comply with the United States Family Education Rights and
Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-380, as amended by Public Law

2. Educational records must follow students who transfer.__
Educational records must follow students who transfer to a school
in another school administrative unit in the State.__The
educational records of students who transfer from out-of-state
schools are also subject to this requirement.

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