LD 1798
pg. 3
Page 2 of 6 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Providing Ed... Page 4 of 6
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LR 374
Item 1

3. Parents or guardians to provide written statement regarding
child's suspension and expulsion history.__Parents or guardians of
a student who seeks admission into any public school in this State
shall provide a written statement to that school that indicates
whether the student has been suspended or expelled from or is the
subject of an expulsion proceeding at any public school in the
State or any other state.__A__student who is emancipated, homeless
or 18 years of age may provide written affirmation on the student's
own behalf as to whether that student has been suspended or
expelled from or is the subject of an expulsion proceeding at any
public school in the State or any other state.

4. Determination of disciplinary status of student applying
for transfer; discretion of school to accept student.__At the
request of the superintendent of the public school into which a
student seeks admission, the student's current or former school
administrators shall provide, in a timely fashion, an oral or
written report to the receiving school administrative unit
indicating whether the student has been expelled or suspended or
is the subject of an expulsion or suspension proceeding.__In the
case of a student who has been expelled or suspended or is the
subject of an expulsion or suspension proceeding, the receiving
school administrative unit may deny admission or participation in
public school programs, facilities or activities as part of a
home instruction program pursuant to section 5021 until the
school administrative unit is satisfied that the conditions of
the expulsion or suspension have been met.

5.__Students seeking enrollment in equivalent instruction
programs.__At the request of the commissioner, local school
officials shall promptly provide to the commissioner an oral or
written expulsion history of any of the school administrative
unit's current or former students seeking enrollment in an
equivalent instruction program.__The commissioner may limit
participation in public school programs by an expelled or
suspended student until the conditions of any suspension or
expulsion are satisfied.

6.__Expulsion record information database.__A school
administrative unit shall report information regarding a
student's expulsion to the department in a timely fashion.__The
department shall maintain a current file of all expulsion
information received from schools.__The department shall provide
information to appropriate school administrative unit officials
on request regarding the expulsion status of a student applying
for transfer from one school administrative unit to another.

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