LD 1798
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Providing Ed... LD 1798 Title Page
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Item 1

3. Provides for more timely reporting of student records between
schools and provides that school administrative units retain
discretion as to the admission of a student who has been suspended
or expelled or is presently the subject of an expulsion proceeding;

4. Provides that the Department of Education shall maintain
current files on expelled students and provide information to
school officials regarding the disciplinary status of students
applying for transfer from one school unit to another;

5. Amends the existing "anti-hazing" statute to include
protections for educational personnel as well as students;

6. Provides that school superintendents give information
regarding violent offenses to law enforcement authorities; and

7. Provides for immunity protections for school personnel.

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