LD 1804
pg. 1
LD 1804 Title Page An Act to Authorize a Local Option Tax on Wages Earned in a Municipality Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA c. 804 is enacted to read:



§5120.__Local option wage tax

1.__Municipalities authorized to adopt.__The legislative body
of a municipality may impose a local option wage tax according to
this chapter on the same wages subject to employer withholding
under section 5250.__The tax may be applied at a maximum rate of
2% of the amount of Maine income tax owed under chapter 803 on

2.__Notify assessor.__A municipality that imposes a local
option wage tax under this section shall notify the State Tax
Assessor at least 180 days before the local tax takes effect to
provide the State with sufficient time to prepare for
administration of the local tax.

3.__Withholding.__An employer in a municipality that has
imposed a local option wage tax under this chapter shall deduct
and withhold from the wages paid to a wage earner the tax imposed
by this section.

4.__Employer's return and payment of tax withheld.__An
employer required to deduct and withhold tax under this chapter
shall file a withholding return and remit payment as prescribed
by the assessor for each calendar quarter on or before the last
day of the month following the close of the calendar quarter or
such other reporting period as the assessor may require.__The
bureau shall provide to every employer in a municipality that has
imposed a local option wage tax a form and a pamphlet explaining
the use of the form to use to file the withholding return and
remit the payment of the tax imposed under this chapter.

5.__Payment to municipalities.__Each month the assessor shall
identify the amount of revenue__actually collected and
attributable to each municipality under this section, subtract
the costs of administering this section and certify the net
amount due each municipality from the Local Option Wage Fund
established under subsection 11.__The Treasurer of State shall
make monthly payments from the fund to the municipal treasurer of
the net amounts certified by the assessor and adjusted by this
subsection.__Revenue collected pursuant to this section is not
considered to be receipts from the taxes imposed under this

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