LD 1809
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Increase Access to Cub Care for Children LD 1809 Title Page
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LR 1759
Item 1

hire a mutually agreed-upon independent auditor to verify the
pharmaceutical manufacturer's calculation.__If a discrepancy is
still found, the pharmaceutical manufacturer shall justify its
calculation or make payment to the department for any additional
amount due.__The pharmaceutical manufacturer may, at its expense,
hire a mutually agreed-upon independent auditor to verify the
accuracy of the utilization data provided by the department.__If a
discrepancy is discovered, the department shall justify its data or
refund any excess payment to the pharmaceutical manufacturer.

If a dispute over the rebate amount is not resolved, a request
for a hearing, along with supporting documentation, must be
submitted to the Office of Administrative Hearings.__Failure to
resolve the dispute may be cause for terminating the drug rebate
agreement and denying payment to the pharmaceutical manufacturer
for any drugs.

All prescription drugs of a pharmaceutical manufacturer who
enters into an agreement pursuant to this subsection that appear
on the approved list of drugs must be immediately available and
the cost of the drugs must be reimbursed and is not subject to
any restrictions or prior authorization requirements.__Any
prescription drug of a pharmaceutical manufacturer who does not
enter into an agreement is not reimbursable unless the department
determines the prescription drug is essential.


This bill raises the maximum eligibility level to 200% of the
federal poverty line in order to provide Cub Care program
benefits to those children whose families fall within this
eligibility level. This bill also establishes a drug rebate
program within the Cub Care program similar to the elderly low-
cost drug program.

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