LD 1837
pg. 2
Page 1 of 8 An Act to Amend the Harness Racing Laws Page 3 of 8
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LR 2450
Item 1

Sec. 5. 8 MRSA §275-A, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1997, c. 474, §3 and
affected by §6, is further amended to read:

1. Commercial track. "Commercial track" means a harness
horse racing track licensed under this chapter to conduct harness
horse racing with pari-mutuel wagering that:

A. If the population within the 50-mile radius of the track
is 300,000 or more, conducted racing on more than 100 days
in the previous 2 calendar years, except that if a racetrack
that qualified as a commercial racetrack under this
subsection goes out of business, one new race track opening
in a location with a population within a 50-mile radius of
the track of 300,000 or more qualifies as a commercial track
if it races more than 100 days in a calendar year; or

B. If the population within the 50-mile radius of the track
is less than 300,000, conducted racing on more than 25 days
in the previous 2 calendar years, except that if a racetrack
that qualified as a commercial racetrack under this
subsection goes out of business, one new racetrack opening
in a location with a population within a 50-mile radius of
the track of 300,000 or less qualifies as a commercial track
if it races more than 25 days in a calendar year.

For the purposes of this subsection, "50-mile radius" is measured
by the most commonly used roadway.

Sec. 6. 8 MRSA §279-A, first ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 528, §40, is
further amended to read:

For the purpose of enabling the department commission to
exercise and maintain a proper control over racing conducted
under this chapter, the commission may adopt rules for the
licensing, with or without fee in the discretion of the
commission, of owners, trainers, drivers, grooms and all other
persons participating in harness horse racing, including pari-
mutuel employees and race officials. The commission may issue
conditional licenses to owners, trainers, drivers, grooms and all
other persons participating in harness racing, including pari-
mutuel employees and race officials if one or more criteria are
not met as contained in the commission rules.

Sec. 7. 8 MRSA §281, as amended by PL 1997, c. 528, §42, is further
amended to read:

§281. Standard-bred horses

The department commission shall encourage and promote the
breeding of a strain of Maine Standardbreds and make provision to

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