LD 1837
pg. 3
Page 2 of 8 An Act to Amend the Harness Racing Laws Page 4 of 8
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LR 2450
Item 1

encourage donations of the same by licensees or others to persons
or institutions within the State for breeding purposes.

The department commission, by rule, may define a strain of
Maine Standardbred, bred or owned in the State of Maine and
registered with the department in its registry book. The
department commission is also authorized to establish necessary
fees for horses and races in the establishment of a Maine
Standardbred program, the funds from which must be administered
by the department by deposit in a trust account entitled Sire
Stakes Fund. All disbursements from the fund must be for the
purposes of supplementing purses, costs of administration and any
other appropriate expenses incurred by the department. A report
must be submitted annually by the executive director to the
commissioner setting forth an itemization of all deposits to and
expenditures from the fund.

Sec. 8. 8 MRSA §283, as amended by PL 1997, c. 528, §44, is further
amended to read:

§283. Reciprocal disciplinary action

The department commission shall act to obtain current listings
from other states of persons in harness racing occupations
regulated by the state who have been refused a license or who
have had their license revoked or suspended. The department
commission shall refuse to license or shall suspend the license
of these persons until notification that they are again eligible
for licensing in the state or states in question.

Sec. 9. 8 MRSA §285-A, sub-§1, ¶A, as reallocated by PL 1997, c. 735,
§6, is amended to read:

A. "Eligible voter," with respect to each racing segment,
means those owners, trainers and drivers who are licensed by
this State and who participated during at least 15% of the
race dates actually conducted within a racing segment. Any
licensed owner, trainer or driver who believes that licensed
owner, trainer or driver would have participated in at least
15% of the race dates actually conducted within a racing
segment except for extraordinary circumstances beyond the
licensed owner's, trainer's or driver's control may petition
the commission during the following January. If the
commission finds that special circumstances in fact did
exist and did prevent the licensed owner, trainer or driver
from qualifying, the commission shall certify the person as
an "eligible voter" with respect to that racing segment.

Sec. 10. 8 MRSA §285-A, sub-§1, ¶C, as reallocated by PL 1997, c. 735,
§6, is amended to read:

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