LD 1837
pg. 4
Page 3 of 8 An Act to Amend the Harness Racing Laws Page 5 of 8
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LR 2450
Item 1

C. "Participation" means owning, training or driving a horse
or horses that actually start a race during a race date at a
racing segment.

Sec. 11. 8 MRSA §285-A, sub-§§2, 3 and 4, as reallocated by PL 1997, c.
735, §6, are amended to read:

2. Elections to be held. For each racing segment, the
commission shall certify, biannually beginning in 1998,
eligibility of voters, and shall conduct and certify an election
to determine who will be the exclusive bargaining agent to
represent licensed harness horse owners, trainers and drivers at
each racetrack within that racing segment. During each January
preceding such an election, the commission, in consultation with
the racetracks within each racing segment and in consultation
with the existing representatives of licensed harness horse
owners, trainers and drivers within that racing segment shall
prepare a list of eligible voters within each racing segment.
During February of each year for which elections are to be held,
the commission shall prepare and forward to each eligible voter
within each racing segment a ballot for the election of the
exclusive bargaining agent within that racing segment. The
ballot must include the name of any incorporated entity that
during the preceding January has requested in writing to have its
name included on the ballot for that racing segment. Eligible
voters for each racing segment are entitled to vote in the
election held for that racing segment either by returning the
commission's official mailed ballot to the commission not later
than the following February 28th or by appearing and voting in
person, by secret ballot, at the public polling conducted
pursuant to subsection 3. Racing segments shall remain neutral
in the exclusive bargaining agent election process.__Opposition
to, support or influence for or interference with any candidate
in an exclusive bargaining agent election by a racing segment,
its employees or agents is strictly prohibited except as provided
in this subsection.__If a candidate for exclusive bargaining
agent believes that the racing segment for which the exclusive
bargaining agent election is being held is supporting or opposing
a candidate, influencing the election or interfering with the
election, the candidate may file a civil action in Superior Court
in the county in which the election is to be held to seek
equitable and legal relief including temporary restraining
orders, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief to enjoin the
prohibited behavior and for the awarding of damages.__If a
candidate for exclusive bargaining agent establishes by a
preponderance of the evidence that a racing segment has engaged
in prohibited activity, the candidate for exclusive bargaining
agent is entitled to actual, compensatory, exemplary and punitive
damages, reasonable attorney's fees, interest and costs.

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