LD 1839
pg. 2
Page 1 of 10 An Act to Maintain High-quality Services in Long-term Care in Maine Page 3 of 10
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LR 2533
Item 1

1.__Established.__There is established the Medicaid Automation
Grant Fund, referred to in this section as the "fund."__The assets
of this fund are derived from the Medicare - Payments to Providers

2.__Disbursements from fund.__A nursing facility may apply to
the department to receive disbursements from the fund.__The
department shall establish criteria, in consultation with
representatives of nursing facilities, governing approval of
disbursements from the fund that at a minimum require a finding
by the department that the proposed use of funds will result in a
significant improvement in the efficiency of the management or
operation of the nursing facility.

Sec. 4. 22 MRSA §1813, 3rd ¶, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 488, §1, is
amended to read:

For nursing facilities providing both nursing home and
assisted living services, the department shall issue one license
reflecting both levels of care. The commissioner shall adopt
rules to implement this paragraph. Rules adopted pursuant to
this paragraph are routine technical rules as defined by Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Title, a nursing facility may provide assisted
living services in nursing facility beds without obtaining
approval under either chapter 103 or this chapter if there are no
residential care beds available within 25 miles of that facility
or if necessary to meet the care needs of an existing resident,
as long as the number of nursing facility beds that are used to
provide assisted living services do not exceed 10% of the total
number of beds licensed in such facility.

Sec. 5. 22 MRSA §§1813-A and 1813-B are enacted to read:

§1813-A.__Single nursing facility bed license purchasing program

Upon petition by a nursing facility other than a multi-
facility operation, or at the department's own initiative, the
department shall identify geographic areas within the State that
have an excess capacity of nursing facility beds and shall issue
one or more requests for proposals to purchase rights to existing
nursing facility bed licenses.__The purchase price is subject to
competitive bid through the request for proposal process and must
be funded through loans made available by the Maine Health and
Higher Educational Facilities Authority pursuant to chapter 413
in the amount certified by the department to the authority.__The
annual debt service, including principal, interest and
amortization of any issuance costs and discount, must be
allocated to remaining nursing facilities in the State in

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