LD 1839
pg. 4
Page 3 of 10 An Act to Maintain High-quality Services in Long-term Care in Maine Page 5 of 10
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LR 2533
Item 1

used or usable in connection with the structures mentioned in
this paragraph, and includes landscaping, site preparation,
furniture, machinery and equipment and other similar items
necessary or convenient for the operation of a particular
facility or structure in the manner for which its use is
intended, but does not include such items as food, fuel,
supplies or other items that are customarily considered as a
current operating charge. "Project" also includes the payment
of any purchase price in the amount certified by the
department to the authority pursuant to section 1813-A. In
the case of a hospital, as defined in subsection 4, paragraph
B, a community health center or a community health or social
service facility, "project" does not include any facilities,
structures or appurtenances, the use of which is not directly
related to the provision of patient care by its members; and

Sec. 7. 22 MRSA §2061, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1993, c. 390, §24, is
further amended to read:

2. Review. Each project for a health care facility has been
reviewed and approved to the extent required by the agency of the
State that serves as the Designated Planning Agency of the State
or by the Department of Human Services in accordance with the
provisions of either the Maine Certificate of Need Act of 1978,
as amended, or section 1813-A or, in the case of a project for a
hospital, has been reviewed and approved by the Maine Health Care
Finance Commission to the extent required by chapter 107;

Sec. 8. 22 MRSA §2147, sub-§10, as amended by PL 1987, c. 486, §2, is
further amended to read:

10. Facilities licensed pursuant to chapter 405. Hospitals,
intermediate care facilities, skilled nursing facilities or other
facilities licensed pursuant to chapter 405 when the services are
provided to clients residing in those facilities, or to 6 or
fewer clients at any one time in their homes under a plan of care
approved by the department or its designee when it is and it has
been documented in the patient's record that the licensed home
health care agency or agencies serving the patient's area: have
been notified.

A. Have indicated that they are unable to provide those
services; or

B. Agree that the plan of care is an acceptable plan.

The plan of care must meet standards for staff qualifications and
supervision consistent with the standards required of licensed

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